Sabtu, 26 Maret 2016

PDF⋙ Optimal High-Throughput Screening: Practical Experimental Design and Data Analysis for Genome-Scale RNAi Research by Xiaohua Douglas Zhang

Optimal High-Throughput Screening: Practical Experimental Design and Data Analysis for Genome-Scale RNAi Research by Xiaohua Douglas Zhang

Optimal High-Throughput Screening: Practical Experimental Design and Data Analysis for Genome-Scale RNAi Research

Optimal High-Throughput Screening: Practical Experimental Design and Data Analysis for Genome-Scale RNAi Research by Xiaohua Douglas Zhang PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This concise, self-contained, and cohesive book focuses on commonly used and recently developed methods for designing and analyzing high-throughput screening (HTS) experiments from a statistically sound basis. Combining ideas from biology, computing, and statistics, the author explains experimental designs and analytic methods that are amenable to rigorous analysis and interpretation of RNAi HTS experiments. The opening chapters are carefully presented to be accessible both to biologists with training only in basic statistics and to computational scientists and statisticians with basic biological knowledge. Biologists will see how new experiment designs and rudimentary data-handling strategies for RNAi HTS experiments can improve their results, whereas analysts will learn how to apply recently developed statistical methods to interpret HTS experiments.

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Optimal High-Throughput Screening: Practical Experimental Design and Data Analysis for Genome-Scale RNAi Research by Xiaohua Douglas Zhang EPub

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